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Best Hand Made Chocolates, by COCO.

One of my Friend Radhika Sampat has recently started her new business named COCO of selling handmade chocolates. She is 21Years old currently pursuing her BA.

Initially, at first she didn’t had any plan to start a homemade chocolate business instead it was just her attempt to make one and try how it goes. When she made her first chocolates and was loved by her family and friends she decided to start a business for the same.

She had decided to make some few flavored chocolates that includes Marshmallow, Tuti Fruity, Dark Chocolate, Pan Flavored Chocolate and few more. Where she started with some tasting, giving samples of different flavors to relatives and some of her close friends to taste and give their feedbacks. After which she had got more likes for specific chocolates like choco chip, pan, marshmallow, people loved it. You can have a look to the Chocolates of different flavors and shapes & sizes.

So Radhika started selling chocolates from December 2021. After getting the positive feedbacks from the people she started selling those and guess what she started getting orders as well. She’s doing so good in her business with parallelly doing her studies as well.

You can Order your Favorite Chocolate Now from COCO.

You can order by clicking the Instagram icon or Click here to Order.